A Degree Of Comfort
The plein air artist should consider this suggestion when on location. Position yourself so the working surface is right in front you. Extending your arm for hours where you are constantly reaching fatigues your arm and back muscles. Your physical position matters.The direction of the light on your working surfaces matters. Too much light on your palette or too much light on your painting support, you will paint your values (shade of the color) darker than you should. Why you wonder? The light can make you go sun blind. Many artists work very hard all day and take their work home to their studio then realize once inside, that their painting is too dark! It is a common occurrence.
Position is important for seeing comfortably & correctly for the chosen scene.
These latter statements seem very rudimentary. These are common mistakes that are made by the artist on location.
One more suggestion for the plein air artist. position yourself at a right angle to your scene. This way your perspective will not change as you develop your painting.You only have to turn your head. The exception: If you are very tall 6’4” or 6’5”. This will only matter if you are painting on a surface you cannot see over!